Supports Brokering & Participant Directed Services
What Is Participant Directed Services (PDS)?
Participant Directed Services is a way for you to:
Self-direct your supports and services;
Choose the mix of supports and services that work best for you;
Choose how and when these supports and services are provided;
Choose the staff and/or organizations who provide them;
You may choose to direct all or some of your services and your broker will help you do this.
With PDS you work with a supports broker to create the life you choose.
PDS means you (or your representative), takes control of all aspects of your services through a Person Centered Planning (PCP) process. PCP promotes personal choice and control over how you use your waiver services, including who provides the services and how these services are provided.
How does Person Centered Planning (PCP) work?
Through PCP we will support you in using the CHARTING the LifeCourse™ Tools. CHARTING the LifeCourse™ is a framework that was developed to help individuals with disabilities and families at any age or stage of life think about what they need to know, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. We support you, together with your team, to explore your passions, hopes, dreams, skills, gifts, and needs. We help you to identify:
The information and tools you need to navigate life;
The connections with peers and resources to help you navigate; and
The tangible items you buy and use and the public and private organizations in your community that you access for support.
is a certified, trained expert who will assist you in organizing your supports through PDS;
is available to assist in employer-related concerns of your support staff, home and community supports, and more;
will assist you and your family in understanding the choices of self-directing, how to create an individual budget and customize your services;
will work with you and your supports coordinator as a complement in self-directing your services;
will be by your side as you make choices to enjoy the life you want to have.
A Supports Broker:
Your Medicaid waiver pays for your supports broker, with no impact on your waiver dollars if you are in the P/FDS Waiver.
Who Pays For This Service?
Do you live on your own or with a family member?
Do you live in PA?
Do you have the Consolidated, Community Living or P/FDS waiver?
If you answered YES to ALL of these questions, you are eligible.
Am I Eligible?
Counties We Serve:
If your county is not listed please contact us so we can determine how you can get coverage for your support needs.
How Do I Get Started?
Contact your Supports Coordinator. Let them know that you want to add this service to your ISP.
Contact Transition Consults at 484-430-4730 and we will help you through the process.
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