William Del Toro Vargas
(Director of Client & Broker Services; Certified Supports Broker)
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William is a life long advocate. He started out at the #IWantToWork Campaign as the Lead Legislative Advocate. In his role as legislative advocate he was instrumental in educating legislators to create Act No. 26: Work Experience for High School Students with Disabilities also know as Pre-Employment Transition Services. He was also instrumental in helping advocate for Act No. 36: Employment First which helped reinforce Governor Tom Wolf Executive order for an Employment First Pennsylvania to secure that all people with disabilities have access to competitive employment. William has been advocating for the hispanic community in North Philadelphia even before he was out of high school. William has been a board member for PA APSE since 2016.
William has also worked for The Arc of Philadelphia. In the 2016 elections he was instrumental in securing volunteering opportunities for people with disabilities during the Democratic National Convention for the DNCC. 75 youth with disabilities volunteered in the Philadelphia Airport, the Philadelphia Convention Center, Wells Fargo Center, and City Hall. William has also helped over 300 youth in finding volunteering opportunities since 2016 and have outreached over 3,000 youth in Philadelphia high schools.
William has been advocating for Access to Technology & Information Access on behalf of the Coleman Institute on Cognitive Disabilities to secure that everyone has access to the most basic technology most people have access to. William has an Associates Degree in Biology and is currently at Temple University working on his Bachelors. Will is on our Bi-Lingual team.
For more info on William please check out his LinkedIn Page